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Oh Monday.

So Monday has peeked its nasty head up once again. Monday is not my friend in my life, not because I have to go off to work again since I've been blessed to be able to stay at home but because the comfort and coziness of the weekend is gone. My family is at the peak of its family-ness on the weekends. We all stay in our pajamas, watch movies, play video games, and just hang out together and ignore the case of the Mondays creeping up slowly on us.

But I try to find the bright side of a Monday morning each week. I try to be excited about planning out my next 5 days and usually once I have a set calendar {I'm a planner} I feel ready to tackle my next work week. Today I am trying to adult real hard by doing my weekly budget {who doesn't love beginning their week doing that...} and making a list of the always fun housework that needs to be accomplished.

Since I'm definitely not thinking about pajamas, playing Pokemon on my Gameboy, and 'Eeee'-ing with excitement over Game of Thrones {no spoilers here} I can't help but swoon over the magic of the weekends and family time. Its the every day moments that seem to come and go, they're hard to remember at times because we don't think about the fact that they might not ever happen again at some point in our lives. So we tend to not take the time to capture them like we do birthdays and holidays. But as my child grows before my eyes and the weekends pass one by one I try to remind myself how important it is to treasure these fleeting moments. The bruises on the knee from recess, the Don't Care messy hair, and unicorn pajamas Audrey will probably deny owning in about 10 years are things I want to continue to stop and notice. Because in the every day comfortable moments of life, when we stop to realize these are the years, the minutes, and the memories we might treasure the most its important to remember how lucky we are to be there in that moment.

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