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Insert title of first blog here: ________

(Blog titles. Who would have thought coming up with your first one would be so hard??)

The excitement of starting something new you know will bring so many changes to your life is an indescribable experience. I've read countless blogs, Facebook statuses, and all that social media stuff from other people talking about how "excited" they were about something and I chalked it off as just one of those things people say to draw attention, maybe to make people feel important. But for the first time I'm experiencing the excitement of something I am creating from the ground up. When someone compliments my work or recognizes the work I've put into a project its the warmest, most 'makes you want to vomit because of all the corny things you can say about it' feeling I have felt in a long time.

Its like the adult version of finding out that cute boy at school likes you.

Except its social media.

And there's no pressure to look pretty or say all the right things.

To start off my blog I think its only fitting to start off with my very first paid for session.

I've been photographing this family since I got my camera. Baby C was one of the first babies I ever took pictures of and his family has been my photogenic guinea pigs since.

{I like to think of Baby C as my ANH model. I mean he's just so good at it I think he's earned the title with all he has experienced with me.}

Baby C's mama asked me if I would be up for taking some pictures for her of just her boys together since the last shoot we did mainly concentrated on her daughter and littlest. After a cup of coffee, and learning the game Mouse Trap is still a thing, we set off {far, far away} to the park in our neighborhood. I was absolutely blown away! Not by the perfect conditions, amazing as always family, or any other things that usually blows a photog away but instead by Baby C.'s seriousness! Mr. Smiley man was using his face of serious happenings that day and it was a whole new cute in a whole new way from him. Usually he is all smiles but this day he had important baby thoughts going on in that mind, like trying to figure out why he woke up before 6am I bet. And his older brother was amazing! Usually getting a cheesy smile while looking at me is a feat but he smiled for me like he's been doing modeling for pictures the entire 4 years of his life.

SO once again I was blessed by another amazing session with this bunch and was so giddy to be able to crown my first ever paid for session family. There's no other family I think I would ever want to remember for the rest of my photog days as this.

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